What I Know For Sure


Fact:  Everyone has core beliefs.  Now I’m not talking about believing that days of the week should be named after drinking activities (i.e. Martini Monday, Tuesday Boozeday…) or that Fireball is one of the greatest inventions of all time (although I’m sure my liver disagrees).  I’m talking about the kind of beliefs that help shape our lives and make us who we are.  Have you ever really stopped to think about what is important to you?  What are the words you live by?  If life is a game, what are your rules?  I’ve only been alive for 30 years but here is what I know for sure (so far…)

  1. You can be picky and polite at the same time, in all aspects of your life.  Especially when it comes to friends, family, men, jobs and commitments.

  2. Be kind.  Be thoughtful.

  3. Slow down.  Don’t be in a hurry and take it all in.  Let someone with one item in front of you at the grocery store.  Smile and be patient.

  4. Live alone one time in your life.  It will change you.

  5. Be selfish and have boundaries

  6. Be a lady and have a good handshake

  7. Don’t lower your expectations to meet someone else’s standards

  8. Print pictures.  What if Facebook or Instagram crashed?

  9. Practice random acts of kindness.

  10. Treat others like you want to be treated.

  11. Life isn’t fair.

  12. Read.  A lot.

  13. Not all who wander are lost but always have a plan.

  14. There is no substitute for a good, handwritten thank you note.

  15. Know when to say sorry and most importantly, when not to.

  16. Talk to your grandparents at LEAST once a week, even if it’s only to say hello (see #9).  It will make their day and you’ll miss the opportunity when they are gone.

  17. Gratitude will change your life.  Happy people aren’t thankful, thankful people are happy.

  18. Don’t be a slut.  Respect yourself or don’t expect others to.

  19. Nothing will warm your heart like a baby’s smile.

  20. Believe in the good in people and pay it forward.

  21. Birthdays are important.

  22. Dogs are the best example of unselfish, pure love, forgiveness, compassion, and friendship (see #10)