She Had a Cocktail In Her Hand and Confetti In Her Hair


Lorraine Peterson said it best when she said “Anyone can be cool, but awesome takes practice”.  It’s one of my favorite quotes and I just so happened to receive that quote as a magnet this year for my birthday from my homeslice Amanda (check her out on twitter @amandaxanderson).

I’ve always been a fan of quotes.  I’m not sure when I developed my love for a “quotable quote” but I think it originated from my love of reading.  I remember writing down quotes from movies and my American Girl books when I was younger to be sure I wouldn’t forget them.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not some weirdo with quotes plastered all over my walls but I do get down with an affirmation or two every once in a while and if I come across a quote I like I write it down.  In fact, I have some quotable quotes taped on the mirror in my bathroom that most people find quite funny and quirky, I myself find it a great way to start my day; well, that and an outdoor shower (#bestlifeever). 


The top orange index card (note the leopard duck tape, Dollar Tree score!) reads:  “Cocky is egotistical, confident is just cool” ~Michael from Top Chef.  That index card just oozes truth.  It’s a fine line between cocky and egotistical but if you can dance along that line, whether you are a man or a woman, it’s hot.

Then there is the three fortune cookie fortunes:

  1. You will find great fortune in unexpected places.

  2. You will have a new exciting business adventure.

  3. As you slide down the banister of life, may the splinters not point your way.

Next a cute little insert from a Birchbox a few months back; Phenomenal, Magical, Adventurous, Creative, and Smart Cookie.

Then a recap of one of my favorite videos.  If you haven’t seen Ashton Kutcher‘s mind blowing rant on the kids choice awards yet do yourself a favor and #getwiththegets.  There really are no words, it’s perfect.  The purple post it  pretty much sums it up:  Being Sexy:  Smart, Thoughtful, Generous.  Well hot damn, I must be sexy as hell then!

Finally an insert from a Kate Spade purchase.  It reads “she had a cocktail in her hand and confetti in her hair”.  I mean seriously if that doesn’t have my name written all over it I don’t know what does.