There's Always A Bigger Reason...

It started with a hurried morning, trying to get out the door to my office before my morning showings.  I was running behind and still needed to stop to print out a couple of things before I got started.  I left the house in a whirlwind and got to the top of my one way street only to realize I had left my cell phone at home.  So I looped back around and swung hurriedly into the parallel parking spot in front of my house.  I ran inside and found my phone right next to the iron I forgot to unplug.

A few days later the same thing.  I was up and at’em early in the morning.  My goal was to get my day started and be in the office before 8am.  Mission accomplished.  I went across the street to my favorite coffee shop and reached into my purse so I could post a pic on instagram and dun dun dunnnnn… no cell phone.

I went back into my office and pulled up iCloud, sure enough my little blue phone dot was right on Geraldine Street; I left my phone at home again.  Being a real estate agent is tough, but being a real estate agent with out a phone is next to impossible these days.  So, back to my house I go to find my cell phone.  After a few “Play Sound” attempts on the Find My iPhone app I found my phone… right next to the AirPods that I would have never found but I would need to make my calls for the day.  Not that I couldn’t make my calls with out them but honestly, once you’ve invested in wireless headphones can you ever go back?!  

Side note: making phone calls is my least favorite part but also an essential part of my job.  AirPods make this part of my day easier and honestly, I think we should all take a moment to think about a task that might not be our favorite and figure out how to make it easier.  Maybe it’s lighting your favorite candle while you’re doing the dishes.  Or catching up on a podcast while folding laundry.  Or drinking champagne while you meal prep.  Figure out what will make it easier and do that.  Trust me, it’s a game changer.

I used to beat myself up for being forgetful. Now I look for the bigger reason.  We may not see it manifest right away like the hot iron or finding your AirPods for call time but there is always a bigger reason.  And I don’t know about you but that thought alone is comforting enough to knock my anxiety down a couple of pegs.

The sayings “life isn’t happening to you, it’s happening for you” and “thank God for unanswered prayers”; with all the craziness in the world right now life seems just a little easier when I choose to believe there’s a bigger reason.  Cheers!