The Wait Is Over!


In the wee hours of November 3rd history was made as the Chicago Cubs defeated the Cleveland Indians 8-7.  In the 10th inning of game 7 myself and millions of others watched on pins and needles as the teams battled it out, what a game!  What a series!


The World Series was a welcome distraction to the political circus we’ve all been forced to endure over the past months.   At a time in our country where tensions are at an all time high I think a Cubs victory was just what the doctor ordered.  Now don’t get me wrong, I’m an Orioles fan through and through but when the O’s were out and the world series started I became a Cubs fan.  It was a natural transition, I mean, both teams have so much in common:

  •  Awesome stadium- check!

  • Haven’t won a series in over 30 years- check!

  • Unwavering, die hard fan base-  check!


The thing that makes my heart happy is that I wasn’t the only one who became a Cubs fan when the World Series started.  The entire country (I’m sure even the Indians fans deep, deeeep, down) wanted the Cubs to win.  I was watching from the couch in my little island home but you could feel the energy of the game.  You could feel the entire country routing for the Cubs to win.  Their victory became our victory proving that even 108 year old curses can be broken, new records can be set, and when you come together as a team with a want and desire for victory that is so strong you have no choice but to be successful.

Since the Cubs World Series win there have been so many wonderful stories about Cubs fans, here are a four of my favorites:

1.  The guy who called the Cubs victory back in his 1993 senior yearbook.


2.  The girl who got to watch the win with her grandfather, a lifelong Cubs fan.

3. The guy who drove over 6 hours to watch the game with his late father at his gravesite to fulfill a promise he made 40 years ago.

4.  The 5 million people who showed up to celebrate the Cubs victory making it the 7th largest gathering in human history.


The wait is over!  Congratulations to the City of Chicago, the Chicago Cubs, and all of the Cubs fans out there across the globe, enjoy the sweet taste of victory!  Cheers!