Start Small @ Home

You’ve likely heard of the phrase “progress over perfection" but what about the concept of replacing “Go Big or Go Home” with “Start Small At Home”?  I just read it in my handy Jess Ekstrom text thread about three seconds ago and it was definitely a BINGO / connect the dots/ lightbulb moment for me.

Because when you think about it, isn’t that always what trips us up, what ends up holding us back in the end from doing something great?  The perfectionism of it all?  The fact that something might not be perfect or “big” enough therefore we wait going until it is perfect to get started?  The problem with that way of thinking is that perfection is subjective, meaning, what might be perfect to you might not be perfect to me and vice versa.  

One of the things I’ve realized through doing my own inner work is that perfectionism stems from the fear of failure.  The fear of what other people will think of us if we fall short.  But what if we got past the ego and thinking about what everyone will think if there is a typo on the email blast, or a link is broken on the website, or that you need 50K followers or dollars before you can really get going because honestly… no one really gives a shit. And the ones that do aren’t your target audience anyways.

What if we just started right here, right where we are, putting one foot in front of the other and daring to live out our wildest dreams.  

Maybe you haven’t even gotten to the one foot in front of the other part of the journey and you’re still in the let me find my damn shoes so I can go on the journey phase; hey, that’s cool too… just find your shoes quickly so you can get a move on, there’s lots of people out there waiting for your greatness, myself included.  

So here’s my own attempt at starting small at home.  I was going to do a 30 days - 30 posts challenge for myself to get back into the habit of writing.  And then I thought, but maybe just start with one.  So here it is. 

And if you’re looking for a sign to lace up your shoes, make the call, book the gig, or write the chapter… THIS IS IT! Cheers.