July No TV Challenge

On June 24th my boyfriend and I returned home to Key West from a wonderful trip in New England visiting family and friends.  I took the time to disconnect from work (as much as I could in the world of real estate that is) and really soak up my best friends wedding and the quality family time that ensued afterwards.  It was just what I needed.

I used to really beat myself up for not being “on” all the time and taking vacations.  If I missed a day in the office I felt guilty, like I wasn’t working because no one else saw me except for my dogs. On those days I was accomplishing so much more by being in a focused atmosphere (even if it was in my pajamas) but the guilt still got me.  Fast forward a few years and I’ve come to realize and embrace the fact that I ebb and flow.  I’m not the only one, in fact this is apparently an old concept that I’m just learning about.  I have periods of hyper productivity and creativity and periods of downtime and solitude and once I stopped trying to fight it and leaned into it my mindset shifted.

When I got off the plane in Key West I felt energized.  The downtime gave me the energy I needed and left me feeling fresh and motivated ready to take on the weeks ahead.

You have to put your mask on first before helping others. Remember that self care is not only OK but necessary. By helping yourself, disconnecting and doing the things that your soul craves you set you bring the best version of yourself to your life and set yourself up for your next “flow”.

Since I’ve been home I’ve been craving knowledge that I think will help me prepare for the next steps; listening to podcasts, reading books, and writing endlessly.  I’ve tried to focus in on the things that will help me reach my goals and plan for the next 6 months. Can you believe 2020 is in less than 6 months?!


I decided to capitalize on this energy and hyper-focus for the month of July until I leave for beach week with my fam.  I’ve challenged myself to no TV.  I’m on day 24 and in the home stretch.

Honestly, I was so busy catching up from being out of town and just LIFE in general I’m not sure when I would have had the time to watch TV, but the truth of the matter is without having this challenge in place for myself I would have.  I would have procrastinated on things that needed my attention and instead caught up on RHOBH or the latest episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians.  Instead, I’ve been prepared and focused and excited about what’s to come.

One of my goals this month was to relaunch this blog because writing really does feed my soul and holds me accountable on so many levels. What are the things that feed your soul and how do you stay focused?