Corona Virus Silver Linings
As I sit here, quarantined on this little island of sunshine, I can’t help but to think about how crazy the world seems right now. An eerily calm panic has taken over the world. The weather is beautiful, the sun is shining and orchids are in full bloom yet I feel like I’m waiting to find out what hunger games district I’m in. We can’t shake hands or hug one another and the closest many of us are coming to human interaction are Zoom happy hours and FaceTime dates with loved ones.
Happy hour with my 2002 homegirls (#QACHS)
It’s been a long time since I’ve sat down (or in this case stood at my new standing desk, whoop!) to write a blog post and here’s why…
Any readers out there have anxiety? I do and to be honest sometimes it takes over my brain and then physically prevents me from taking action. In Sister Act, Whoopi Goldberg has a line that I always think about…
Sister Mary Clarence : If you wake up in the morning, and you can’t think anything but singing, then you should be a singer, girl.
I think about writing every day yet I haven’t been taking action. Not in my journal, not on this blog, not in my real estate realm. Every day that goes by without writing I think that it’s been too long, or that no one will read or care what I have to say. And then I get the “Who Am I” voices serenading me. “Who Am I” to write a blog? “Who Am I” to create a brand around positivity? “Who Am I” to sell a million dollar house? “Who Am I” to think that I can have an impact on the world?
So here I stand, staring my anxiety in the face, writing my first blog post in months (with a promise to myself of consistency in the future ) and what better topic to tackle than…
Silver Linings of the Corona Virus Mayhem: A Key West Perspective.
Bougainvillea are poppin!
Residents are pitching in. Trash pick ups, painting parking spaces, raking leaves; everyone has a little more time to help.
No traffic on US 1 gave a local Keys resident and opportunity set up a table in the middle of US 1 and played a game of solitaire.
Global pollution drops. Significantly.
The water along Smathers beach is crystal clear.
The weather this March is beautiful, a wonderful reminder of why I live here.
More time for passion projects (hellooooo… Shoveling Sunshine!)
Reduced traffic is creating opportunities for city projects and repairs. Great for the start of the Cow Key Bridge construction project that had thousands of people fearing the traffic delays that were sure to ensue.
Working from home is possible. Business owners and executives are seeing that it IS in fact possible to work from home and be productive. Imagine the impact this could have on parents who have used all of their sick/ vacation time by February and have to go unpaid for future absences.
More time for dog walks, snuggles and kisses.
People are getting fit at home and outside. I’ve seen group workouts, free work outs, and tons of Key West peeps out biking or walking to get some sunshine and Vitamin D.
We can slow down and take this opportunity to breathe. To listen. To feel. To be kind. To love.