What Do You WANT To Do?

So many times I think to myself, I should go to the beach today, I live on an island for God’s sake!  And then I think about the time involved and quickly remind myself that it’s Tuesday and I have work to do.  

But then I had a game changing conversation…

In November I was having a really hard time.  My business was slow, I was in a slump and I was having major financial anxiety which was having a trickle down effect on the rest of my life.  Around that time I had a coaching call and in the middle of my emotional breakdown she asked me a question:  “What do you want to do today?"  Not what do I HAVE to do, but what do I WANT to do?  I paused.  I couldn’t think of an answer, that’s how long it had been since that thought crossed my mind.  

Well, I answered, I want to go to the beach.  With my book and my journal and shut my mind off.  I had been in a lack mentality for weeks and my mind was an endless stream of negativity.  I not only wanted to shut my mind off, I needed to shut my mind off.

So I did.  I took myself to the beach for about two hours did what I call a brain drain.  I wrote out all of my thoughts and feelings and dove into a book for a temporary reprieve.  I spent two hours alone with myself.  I don’t remember what happened for the rest of the day after I got home or even what unfolded for the rest of the week but I do know that a week later a million dollar buyer walked in to my office and we closed on their new home in less than 2 weeks.

That concept of what do I WANT to do instead of what do I HAVE to do was really life changing for me.  The perspective shift changed my vibration.  The law of attraction says that the belief of positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a persons life…  

A few weeks ago something strange happened.  It was a Friday and I looked at my iCal (couldn’t survive without it) and the appointment I thought I had smack dab in the middle of the day was actually for the next week.  Could it be?  A whole Friday to myself?!  Realizing that the day was a blank canvas I spent it doing what I wanted to do.  I went to my favorite coffee shop, delivered fresh juice to friends, took Misha to the dog park, grabbed a cuban mix and headed to the beach for the day with my backpack full and laptop in hand.

Grateful for the opportunity I thought about what I wanted to do while I was at the beach that day.  What tasks did I want to accomplish?  Turns out, most of the tasks were related to work.  I wanted to triage my inbox, I wanted to catch up on my social media, I wanted to set up client portals for new buyers, all of these things I wanted to do because I knew that they would fuel my success for the next few weeks.  And that it did.  Not only by accomplishing the tasks I had set out to do but by doing them from a location that I love, next to my dog that I love, on an island that I love.  The two weeks that followed has some serious flow to them.  Appointments just seemed to line up.  I received two referrals from friends.  I got stuck in stand still traffic on my way home one Saturday but had my laptop and was able to write up two offers from my car (aka mobile office) using my hotspot.

Times are tough and we are all having to roll with the punches, taking each day one at a time because things are changing so quickly and frequently it’s next to impossible to plan for what we think the future will look like.  So today I challenge you to ask yourself, what is it that you WANT to do today?  And then, as Oprah says, get about the business of doing it.  I recognize that not everyone will have a day or an hour to dedicate to doing what they want but that’s ok, baby steps!  Minutes doing what you WANT will turn into hours which will turn into days which will add up to spending your life, doing what you want.  Imagine that…