You Are Beautiful
One small sticker, one powerful message. I had first heard about this little sticker a few years ago, I don’t remember where or when but remember loving the idea when I first heard about it. A few weeks ago I visited their website and saw that they will send you some of these fabulous stickers for free, and for a small donation you can get a whole slew of these magical little affirmations.
Naturally I sent in a self addressed, stamped envelope with the suggested donation of $5 enclosed and patiently waited for my #YABsticker delivery to arrive. Then one day a few weeks ago I got my envelope back in the mail! I opened it right up and took a look at the tiny little wonders. I put them in my purse and started thinking about all the places I wanted to put one!
The one place I knew for sure I wanted to place a sticker was the most photographed site in Key West; The Southernmost Point. So many pictures are taken there daily and imagine if my little sticker makes it into a few of them?!
So Skyy and I set out for a trek to The Southernmost Point last night to place our first sticker. It’s really amazing how many beautiful and amazing things you start to notice when you focus on looking for the good in everything you do. I decided to take my time walking through old town last night on our way to the buoy; to take in my surroundings and reconnect once again with why I pay $1250 a month to live in a 250-square-foot studio.
Our first stop was our favorite pocket park on the corner of Grinnell and Angela, also the home to our first #YABsticker.
Take 1
Take 2
Wouldn’t ya know it, when we walked out of the park and I caught a rainbow over my favorite intersection; Grinnell and Angel Street.
I took that rainbow as a sign from my guardian angels to look up on my walk to see what else I could find.
This cute bottle brush tree on Windsor
I fell in love with this door at first and then the whole house when I saw that little gem in the corner of the window. Go Noles!
This beautiful tree (it’s even prettier because it’s not on my street and I don’t have to clean up all the flowers that fall)
My new favorite house in Key West (Corner of Whitehead and United Streets). All the right flags, old fashioned christmas lights, and an amazing yard to boot!
We made it to the Southernmost Point and of course there was a line of people waiting to get their pictures taken. So I stuck my sticker on the back side of the landmark, where it will still be seen by tons and photographed by many. It also reinforces the meaning of our motto in Key West; You Are Beautiful = One Human Family.
You Are Beautiful sticker on The Southernmost Point, Key West, FL
And check out the sunset we caught on our way home! The sky was beautiful last night, some wicked clouds on one end of Duval and the beautiful sky pictured below on the other.
Sunset @ The Southernmost Point 7/10/14
Sunset @ The Southernmost Point 7/10/14
Sunset over Naval Air Station
Someone’s recycling bin that revivals my own. Cheers!
You Are Beautiful. Three small words, one huge meaning. It’s really amazing how you can turn your day or night around by looking up and looking for the good in everything. So while some people may have been focusing on the black clouds that plagued half of the island last night, I myself, was focusing on the picturesque sunset and the people lining up to take their picture in the place that I call home.