Friday Favorites Part II


TGIF!  If there’s anything I’m happier about than it being Friday is that it was a short work week to boot!  Below are five things that got me through this 4 day work week, check ’em out…


1.  Unroll Me

Do you have an email address that you get about 685 emails a day?  Do you usually do a quick scan for “important ones” and select all and delete the rest?  I mean really, it’s ridiculous and totally takes away the functionality of having a personal email address.  This week, I took back my inbox by using a FREE little tool called Unroll Me.  You sign into the website and log into your email address.  From there it scans your inbox and analyzes your subscriptions.  Unbeknownst to me I had 198!  Seriously!


2.  Facebook Farewell
Would you delete the Facebook app from your phone for one month?  Sounds like a silly question when I read it aloud but would you?  Our society, including myself, has become so accustomed to being connected with one another that aimless scrolling has become a crutch for people.

I unknowingly spend hours aimlessly scrolling through Facebook and Instagram.  It would be like a Maury Show by the time I was through; I would be on my cousins, ex-boyfriends, baby mamas page like whaaaat?  How in the hell did I get here.  So on Saturday I deleted the app off my phone and I’ve limited myself to checking Facebook only when I am physically in front of my computer.

Here’s the takeaway:  There is absolutely no need to scroll through your Facebook aimlessly for hours on end, your life is more interesting than anything you are reading on Facebook and you are missing out!  I’m interested to see how this small change will have effected my life in a month.  I’ve already started to notice a few differences and it’s only been a week!  Are you up for the challenge?

3.  Adulting:


This week I saw a dermatologist (clean bill of health, heeyyyy!).  I also made a doctors appt for a regular old check-up, a dentist appointment, and an appointment for an eye exam this week.  All important things I’ve been putting off for way too long.  Since I’m technically in my 30’s now I’m making a better effort to take care of the maintenance items on the reg.  You should too…



Do you know who Jaime Primak Sullivan is?  If not you should.  You can find her on Facebook and she has become one of the favorite people I follow on social media.  Jaime is the creator of #CAWFEETAWK a 5-15 minute video of real talk.  Jaime riffs on real issues; vulnerability, inadequacy, family, friends, career struggles, you name it.  It’s become my favorite way to start the day and part of my morning routine (which has changed quite a bit since I deleted the FB app, I now have to physically get out of bed in the morning to watch…).  After #CAWFEETAWK I always feel like I just got a pep talk from my jersey BFF.  Do yourself a favor, follow her on social media.

5.  Of course I’m saving Bey for the grand finale.  You are welcome.