A Little September Inspiration
It’s the first day of September and you know what that means?! Pumpkin Spice errrrrythang. So to kick it off here are my 3 favorite pumpkin spice memes:
As if that wasn’t motivating enough…
Every month my roommate Tracy changes my calendar for me. Each month is inspiring, which is why I picked the calendar one rainy day in 2014 while I was perusing the Cracker Barrel gift store, but I can’t help but share September’s poem.
Always Create Your Own Dreams and Live Your Life to the Fullest
Dreams can come true
if you take the time to
think about what you want in life
Get to know yourself
Find out who you are
Choose your goals carefully
Be honest with yourself
Find many interests and pursue them
Find out what is important to you
Find out what you are good at
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes
Work hard to achieve successes
When things are not going right
Don’t give up – just try harder
Find courage inside of you to remain strong
Give yourself freedom to try out new things
Don’t be so set in your ways that you can’t grow
Always act in an ethical way
Laugh and have a good time
Form relationships with people you respect
Treat others as you want them to treat you
Be honest with people
Accept the truth
Speak the truth
Open yourself up to love
Don’t be afraid to love
Remain close to your family
Take part in the beauty of nature
Be appreciative of all that you have
Help those less fortunate than you
Try to make other lives happy
Work toward peace in the world
Live life to the fullest
Create your own dreams
and your dreams will become a reality
~ Susan Polis Schutz