8 Things I'm Thankful For on Thanksgiving Morning


It’s Thanksgiving and the start of the holiday season.  The time of year when friends and family gather near and far to create memories and build their traditions.  Today marks the 4th Thanksgiving in a row I’ve spent in Key West and I can’t help but to take a few minutes to reflect on the things that I am most thankful for…

Sunshine – I honestly cannot tell you what a difference the sun makes in my life.  This weather has been absolutely amazing.  I’ve been spending at least an hour outside every morning reading and enjoying the stillness of the morning.  I’ve also taken to moving my mobile office outside to soak up some vitamin D while I work.


My Parents – about a year ago I started working with a sales coach.  The first project that she had me work on was a vision board.  I’m happy to announce that as of today, except for the fact that I’m not Oprah or Richard Branson and don’t own a home in Maryland or New Hampshire (yet), every single thing has happened that I put on that vision board.  Including spending Thanksgiving with my family.  My mom and dad just arrived yesterday to spend their first island Thanksgiving with Ed and I!

One of the things I’m looking forward to the most is watching the Thanksgiving Day parade with my dad.


My Family – I never really knew just how lucky I was/ am to have the family and support system that I have until I got older.  When you are younger you assume that everyone’s life is just like yours.  Good or bad, that’s rarely the case.  So thank you for loving and supporting me.  And thank you Katie and Jamie for giving me the most beautiful, happy, little niece.


Ed – I’m thankful for him everyday for so many things.  It’s pretty cool finding your person.  Even cooler when their name starts with the same two letters yours ends with… #kweedwin


My Job – I’m thankful that I have a job that provides me with the opportunity to help people purchase their dream home.  Whether a first time home buyer or a snowbird looking for a vacation rental, I love helping people find their perfect place in paradise.  I also love that it allows me the flexibility that I desire to be able to be involved in my community.


My Friends – When I was back in my hometown in Maryland this fall one of my friends told me that she prays her daughter has the group of friends she did in school.  I really thought about that statement.  I have a solid group of friends from each stage in my life and I’m so very thankful for them.  I made a solid group of friends in Queen Anne’s County, Maryland, some of those friendships dating back 25 years.

This Blog – Although my writing may be sparse I love having this blog as an outlet.  Writing is when I feel my best.  It’s when I feel the most confident which is very odd because it’s also where most of my vulnerability lies.

Happy Hour – This one is self explanatory, eh?


Of course this is just a short list but an important one.  Finding things to be thankful for each day makes the world seem like a better place, to me anyways.  Happy Thanksgiving, cheers!